Steve Jobs 2.0

Yesterday , I was surfing the internet when I stumbled upon a recent video of Andy Rubin which to me was striking . I saw the re-incarnation of Steve Jobs …. BUT !

Andy Rubin

If you want to put it in tech terms , Any Rubin is Steve Jobs 2.0 , with all the bugs of the original Steve Jobs ( may his soul rest in peace) fixed and ready for prime time . Needless to say that Andy is the father of Android ,  like Steve Jobs is the father of Apple (and consequently iOS) , Andy wants to give the people what they want and not what he wants. He is advocating consumer freedom vs. an ecosystem that promotes dictatorship .

Andy talked about his new Essential Phone which should change the rules of the game when it comes to the mobile phones industry. The vision of Andy to maximize the use of phone accessories by having them wireless is simply fascinating. As per Andy , this connectivity innovation is something like “USB 3.0 but wireless” . In the video he  demonstrated a 360 camera which attached wirelessly to his phone and the concept looks thrilling and promising.

Essential phoneEssential phone 360 camera

Back to my analogy with Steve Jobs , I could see Andy’s way of sharing his vision , his physical looks , the way he dresses ,  his thinking about the customer satisfaction before the profit and the passion for innovation as Steve Jobs 2.0 . Steve Jobs 2.0 because he does not want to create a closed ecosystem , but rather he wants to connect all things digital in the most   brilliant way ever . He wants to show Android at its best with his new phone without any bloatware (Did you hear this Samsung and Huawei ? ). He does not want to keep his system closed and rigid (Apple ?!)  , but rather open,  promoting customer usage freedom .This is the father of Android , trying to correct the things in Android that will benefit the consumer and give him the right to get what he wants  without forcing , controlling or tying the customer to a closed ecosystem .

I have news for Apple : “The iphone slayer is coming” and it is going to be tough for everybody in this industry after the new Essential phone debuts .

There is no doubt that Andy’s aura is similar to Steve Jobs . His passion for innovation , doing things differently and thinking differently  ( I hope that apple does not sue me for using these words) will drive him to success without any doubt .


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